Tuesday, July 18, 2006


A chick called me out saying I was "white-washed"... It made me laugh at her... I wasn't offended... It was funny... I don't know what that means... Well, I know what it means but it has no relevance for me today...

Back in the day, we called white-washed Asians those people that hung out with the white kids and dressed funny... The ones that didn't dress like the typical Asians... Ha ha ha! The ones that talked proper and not like some "niggah"... I made fun of those people in high school...

So, it's ironic that I am referred to as that ... Growing up and going on hundreds of job interviews, it's not "kosher" to talk like a thug... Using the word "kosher" doesn't make white-washed? Does it? Ha ha ha!

I still talk like a thug sometimes... I mix it up with proper English and slang like those Mexican kids speaking in Spanglish... I don't think I'm white-washed... I say it's more of a Cali thing where everybody hung out with each other... Languages and slangs got intertwined... Surfers and skaters hung out with gangsters and taggers... It was a cornucopia of clashing cultures...

*check the alliteration


Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.

Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.