Monday, August 25, 2008


I would never advocate violence against women......Unless of course they deserved it. Like, a broad stabbing me in the leg with a fork, or sleeping with my brother, or bitches stealing my money etc.... (this hasn't happened to me in case you were wondering).

Here is a story about a chick who got punched in the face by some dude during a public water fight that was advertised on facebook.

At first I thought "what an asshole"...but on closer inspection,it seems that she wasn't throwing water on this guy at all! It was a red soft drink! and he was wearing a white shirt! Now, I'm not suggesting that she deserved to get knocked the fuck out Dee-bo style.

But this chick should have known better. Its a water fight. Throwing a red drink on someone wearing a white shirt is going to get some sort of reaction. Especially if you embarass them in front of their friends. Now, He was way over the top, but, If I did the same thing to him I would be prepared for the same reaction.

A Vagina isn't a licence to take liberties.

Some guys don't give a shit and would kick a girls ass. Some guys are human beings and just lose it. Either way, every person is different and has a line that you shouldn't cross. All too often women nonchalantly cross that line because they think everyone subscribes to the "Never hit a woman" universal rule.

Not everyone does, you never know who you're fucking with. So, either be prepared for a reaction, or just leave it alone!

I have a friend who threw her drink over a guy in a bar because he was being rude to her. Of course he was an asshole and his reaction was to slap her in the face. But, she should have just moved away or left the bar and Not raise it to the next level by emptying her beer over his head.I would never do that to someone with being prepared for a physical show down. So i don't get why women assume its different for them.

Smarten up beeatches.

This dude took the words right out of my mouth. Certain situations call for certain actions. People need to be accountable for the things that they do!

What do you think James Bond?


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