The concept and notion of a tramp stamp has surpassed the point of parody and cliché. It’s no longer attractive unless you are an individual who finds granny stockings and awkwardly cut orange shorts to be especially attractive and wears flip-flops even in the rain. Then perhaps a tramp stamp is titillating is to you. Yet for a majority of the world, the tramp stamp has become a moniker of a woman who has led a life full of regrets and ill decisions when she was a twenty something in revolt or suffered through one too many ‘Forgetful Fridays’ after one too many ‘Thirsty Thursdays’ back in the dorms and on sorority row. In addition, the tramp stamp has become the flesh equivalent of a homing beckon for the wrong gentleman caller. That gentleman caller who says he’ll wear a prophylactic, but would rather go bear back and just spray it all over the place like a Jackson Pollack painting and consider that a good time for all.
Yet sensing that while a tramp stamp can be a novel and cute way to draw attention to one’s backside, this internet model has raised the bar and not only placed a beautiful rose slightly adjacent to her own special flower, but she decided to advertise what portions of the world where ancestors came from. It’s a bold step forward not only in the progression of the tramp stamp, but mating habits and the overall proliferation of the human species. This particular tramp stamp tells any perspective gentleman caller, “Hey, I’m Latina and maybe you want this because you’re into that or maybe you don’t because you’re not into Latina girls and assumed that I may have been Persian due to the poor lighting in this bar/club/coffee shop/campus quad/laundry mat/etc, all.” In addition, the tramp stamp warns any perspective consumers that may not be of Latino descent not to bother at all and she may only be into gentlemen named Arturo. This cultural tramp stamp also helps fight stereotypes as well. While her backside may not be as round or as “boomin’,” as rap songs and television programs make it out to be, she can at least tell those who admire a backside first and fore most that while her shelf is not as deep as her contemporaries, but there’s still a spicy side to her.
Hopefully, this marks only the beginning in culturally defined tramp stamps.
Via BonerParty.Tumbler.Com
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