Joe ( 2 weeks prior ) : Dude, I partied with Manny Pacquio this weekend....
Paul: Awesome where at?
Joe : K Box...
2 weeks later......
Joe: Dude, I partied with Manny Pacquio 2 weeks ago....
Paul: I know you told me and Kat at your house...
Joe: No I didnt...
Paul: Yes you did....
Joe: Are you sure....
Paul: Yes F&^%&*r......We were all there....Ask JC Ant or Kat x2 ....
Joe: I don't beleive you....
Paul: LOL

How to Know if you Drink Too Much?
Here are some warning signs that you could be drinking in excess. You may not want to acknowledge that this is a problem, but if you do not your health and personal life could be at risk. You can make healthy choices, and one of these is discovering if alcohol is a problem for you.
Step 1
When you drink alcoholic beverages, are you finding you need more to have the same effect? Or do you drink alcohol with the purpose of getting drunk most times?
Step 2
Do you use alcohol to mask problems or uncomfortable emotions or to give you added confidence in a social situation?
Step 3
Do you feel a sort of "withdrawal" after a few days of not drinking? These could be in the form of cravings, nervousness or even trembling.
Step 4
Have you needed to find a lawyer because of a DUI or other drinking related violation such as disorderly conduct?
Step 5
Do you rely on some sort of alcohol to get you through the day? Do you find yourself caring less about the taste and circumstances of having a drink and more about finding alcohol? Are you allergic to certain substances, like beer, but drink them anyway?
Step 6
Is your alcohol use interfering with your daily life, Such as calling in sick because of a hangover, missing social obligations, losing your drive and motivation, not following through with appointments or commitments, missing church or isolating yourself from family or friends?
Step 7
Do you care less about drinking socially and find yourself drinking alone more often? Does your gut instinct tell you this is wrong?
Step 8
Are you sneaking alcohol on the job or at school (on breaks, keeping it in your car, stealing it from your job)?
Step 9
These are all questions to ask yourself privately to decide if alcohol is becoming a problem in your life. Answering "yes" to one or many of them could have you on your way to seeking outside help, or, at the very least have you become more aware of the effect alcohol has had on your life.
tsk tsk.
Yes... That is drool.
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