Tattoos of any kind.
Remember when it was hot when a chick had a tat strategically placed on her body? Like a pink bow right next to the pelvic bone. I knew a Mexichick at Blue Cross in Cali that had one. I use to tell her that I wanted to unwrap her. She would always give me a WTF!? look but she knew what was up! LOL. **shouts out Marie... Nowadays chicks are going overboard... they have tats on arms, hands, neck, face,etc. I think it looks mad trashy. Trends these days. Psssh! I decided today that I will no longer seek out those types of women. Too bad too cause tatted chicks equals freaky.
With that said.
This is gonna be the next one... even with the '89 leopard dress on.

Next week's rant is going to be about chicks with plugs in their ears. Stretched out lobes?!? Who started this gross trend?! You fu*kin up your faces, girls! Not a good look.
Sh*t! Two days away!
I finished all my Christmas shopping today. I'm thinking about wrapping them right now but I feel mad lazy; so, I'm blogging instead. Hahaha. I put alot of thought in the presents this year. Although the items purchased are not extravagant... they are presents I would want to receive. I hope they feel the same way.
Saw a revamped Captain America Mugg @ Walmart. They made him look younger and kinda vintage. Pretty cool. I'm adding it to the collection after the holidays.

Take a look @ the old Captain America...
I like the new one better.
Random thought...
Is it only me or does the drummer for Red Hot Chili Peppers look like Will Ferrell?


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