Does anyone remember the story of Alan's nuts in his backpack? Hahahahaha!! He got expelled that day. Damn! Our dean was a dickhead!!
Here's the Class of '96 and '99 here in 2009. Happy Chinese New Year, Brian!
My boyz since high school.
Mik the Nurse... Ton the Rapper... Brian the sexy VietMexican... Mike the Doctor... Eye.
Swear to Allah this wasn't planned. Hahahaha.
Paolo and his chick. Thanks for the drinks, homie!
This is one of the dudes[Brian Nguyen] we punk'd in high school.
He's all grown up and was handing out paybacks! Hahahahaha. And then he licked Mik's mouth. Bwahahahahahaawtf?!?
Jaimie... Mike Mendoza... Kris.
Rona: Just cause you liked it when Brian kissed you... doesn't have to mean that you're gay.
**Don't qoute me. HAHAHAHAHAHA
We turned the Caesars lobby into our own club.
Jaimie... Mike... Anna... Rona.
Mik: Dood!! You licked my mouth!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Brian has that look again. He's going in for a second kiss. LMAO.
Mike... Rona... Anna.
Mike and Brian have a little bromance going on. Hahahaha.
Mike is married to Rona and Brian is married to Anna, btw.
Headin back to Bally's.
Jaimie and Anton.
Everyone was faded except for Jaycee. We had to stop by Mike's room to have drinks before going to Red Rock.
So, Brian comes up with an idea that everyone had to hold their chest all the way to the room. Whoever lets go has to take five shots of Jack. Random.
We were running through the whole casino chanting!
Hold. your. titties! Hold. your. titties! Hahahahahahahahahahaa. Way too much!
They were clearly faded.
I don't know why but Rona dropped and gave us twenty... with ease.
Mad impressive. I don't know too many five footers that can do man push-ups. *Anna did some girl push-ups.
Deuces in the back.
I was looking for the pron channel.
First drink of the night. Zero to sixty in 30 seconds.
We popped the bubbly...
... then began to party.
Anna and Rona kept drinking with me. Propers.
Mike kept drinking with me. Propers.
I'll finish the rest... I was the one that brought it.
Brian was focused on something else. UUHHH!
People are always *wink* hooking up in my backseat.
This was Brian talking about the good ole days... all the sh*t we put the underclassman through. I do not remember a thing cause I was drunk and concentrating on trying to get to Red Rock safely. Got lost twice. LOL!
Finally got to RR ten minutes late. It wasn't that bad, Mike... stop the cryin!
After Surfer's On Acid... never seen Mike let loose.
Rona was D-U-N.
Rona took over my camera and took this sick paparazzo shot.
Can't stop... won't stop. Had a couple more after this.
The Red Rock wasn't our last stop. We headed to Cafe Moda after for a laaaate dinner. I don't remember much but I know Brian was singing karaoke without loooking at the screen. He knew all the words! LOL. We took over that spot! Hahahaha.
Got home at 7am and had to work the next day.
1 comment:
Hahahaha...awesome post.
I gotta get back to vegas sometime.
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