Saturday, November 21, 2009


Dee and eye had a crazy craving for shrimp and crab last week. I wanted to go for cajun cause I was too tired to cook. She said she would do all the work if I bought the ingredients. Deal, sonn! We went to our local Asian market and shopped for the stuff.

Here's a fun fact: Asian markets will fry up any fish that you purchase from them.

We head to Henderson to check out a friend's new pad and decided to cook there. Thing I notice about Dee is that she cooks with margarine instead of butter. Ok. People are different. I cook with butter. She sauteed the shrimp and it had this surprising smokey flavor[my mouth is watering]. Sh*t was soo good. The dungeness crab was cooked to perfection as well[salivating no joke]. Soo fatty. I got so excited eating the thing that I sliced my thumb with the shell. It was pretty deep but didn't notice until I washed my hands. My clothes smelled like a filipino house and hands like shrimp the whole night. Soo worth it.


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