Wednesday, February 04, 2009


Chefs Are In The Pleasure Business.

I'm watching Anthony Bourdain right now and this MF has a great job. He traipses around the world and tries all the food we would/wouldn't like to eat. Bourdain is in Mexico right now eating different types of street food. It is making me hungry... I feel like going to Pepe's to get some cabeza and lengua tacos. That is some authentic Mexican in Las Vegas.

Ronnie looks hungry.

Oh btw, we served stone crab claws at the restaurant today. They were okay. I wouldn't pay the prices these high rollers are paying for them.


I'm in a quandry.

I'm usually attracted to the opposite sides of the spectrum. It can be the artsy fashion type girls or it could be the obvious hotties in the club. The first have great conversation but take an eternity to get anywhere with. You have to take them to shows and really put in alot of effort... which I'm not opposed to. They would be the ideal relationship types. The latter is an instant gratification type of thing. I say hello, buy them a drink, and most likely be making out with them in the bathroom. They are out to have fun... which I'm not opposed to. They are the weekend buddies and nowhere near relationship material.

Anyway. whatever.
Olivia Munn. Act like ya know!

Back from the commercial break.

I met this girl last week with an ill spine tat. She was really tall. I had to look up when talking to her. She got up on the gogo box and my view was wow. She knew what I was looking at. Hahaha. Tall chicks are hot to me. I dated a Mexican girl in college that was taller than me and I had to tip toe to kiss her. It was sexy and not right at the same time. LOL. So, who had the fetish in that situation? Me for liking tall chicks or her for liking a shorter guy? eehh

I know that dreams aren't suppose to be translated literally; so, what does it mean if I dreamt I shit myself?

Whoa! TMI.
Valentine's Day is coming up. I get really [2]romantik when this holiday comes.

Good night, bieeetches! I'm going to sleep.


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