Wednesday, July 02, 2008


So, my trip to Holland is on hold because my friend can't come up with all the funds. What a fuckin disappointment! I was totally ready to go... Nine days of crazy fun! But now I don't really know... I had no back-up plans for my summer because I was mad psyched to go on a eurotrip. What a let-down. I despise the feeling of being disappointed. The feeling of being so hyped up without a delivery to back it up.

I want to be where this goofy bastard is. I want to meet white girls who aren't really white. I want to drink with exotic looking people who can't really fully comprehend me because I'm speaking English too fast. But they are still interested in having a conversation because I'm different from the people there. I want to eat food I know nothing about. I want to go to places only the locals go to.

There is talk of taking a trip to San Fran for the group birthday in August. That's something to be excited about. I can see all my friends in the bay and the LA folks will like that cause all my friends in the bay are girls. LOL.


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