Tuesday, February 03, 2009


She had eyebrows that were a turn-on.



goldie said...

Eyebrows are SO important and I think a lot of people underestimate them. Eyebrows can make or break a face.

(non-sequitur: the word verification for this post is honation. HONATION! Haaa!)


Not since now has anyone understood my stance on eyebrows. people nod their head when i talk about it but deep down i see in their eyes that they don't fully get it. It irks me when I see a a beautiful face with effed up brows. Its like seeing bird shit on a newly washed car... i feel the same way about busted toes on a pretty chick too. ehhh maybe im being too critical... iono. whatevs. but its nice to know that someone out there feels me and a female at that.


touche word verification.


goldie said...

I didn't see this response until now!

Eyebrows - important. nay! critical!
Toes - important! at least keep them bitchez clean and clear and under control
Honation - funny.