Thursday, March 05, 2009


Click the link below for an eloquent explanation of our current state.

so guess what. now everyone’s slowly making their way to twitter.

why? cos we’re lurking narcissists. nosey fucks. that’s why. and we’re gonna keep on being that way till we end up robots. and if someone says “you tweet too much,” tell ‘em “then stop following me.” duh. if you don’t like what i say then why are you listening? later fag. and when they ditch you, you can ditch them too, and no longer have to be twitter friends! hey, now that i think about it. this is a good way to get a lot of fake ass tweeters outta your life. mmm….

Click it..





1 comment:

goldie said...

I was going to post a comment on the blog you linked, but I felt like I was totally stalking you. Which is weird, cus I don't mind you knowing that I stalked you from crackberry-->here-->twitter (wait . you found me there! you popped my twitter cherry)


I totally made the progression from friendster to myspace to facebook to twitter. I THRIVE on non-verbal communication. And the amount of people on all these "social networking" sites leads me to believe that there are millions (billions??) of other people like me... I want to STALK you, I just can't be bothered to TALK to you in real life.